Here you can give us your contact, if you are able to give a bit: https://directsupportleipzig.net/support-geben/#foerdermitgliedschaft

If you can‘t pay your rent due to the current crisis, please write us: directsupportleipzig@riseup.net

If you want to learn more about the way, the direct support works, just go on reading!
What’s this for?
You need money? Or do you have money? Again and again, people find themselves due to unforeseen events such as the corona pandemic, loss of paid work or illness, in situations of Financial need. The experience of social inequality is unfortunately a part of everyday life for many. Although there are government measures for financial support, numerous people fail through these safety nets. Despite missing Income, rent, bills, medication groceries etc. have to be paid. In April In 2020, based on the models of groups in Berlin and Halle , “Direct Support Leipzig” was founded. We bring people together who can give money and people who are currently urgent need of financial help. How many people can be supported in this way depends on how many people are willing to give money. Small donations are also be helpful! With our work we want to provide practical support to people with financial problems. We practice criticism of the capitalist system, want to foster financial solidarity and also highlight structural inequality.
How does it work?
If you can give money, please fill out this form. You will then receive more information. With the form you only give us your contact info – how and how much you donate, you decide later yourself. If you need direct support due to financial problems, please contact us with any information about your situation you feel comfortable sharing. We will then get in touch with you with further information. We are currently founding an association and our system will soon change. So please stay informed!
Who is this for?
You know best yourself whether you urgently need money or not. Since we live in a very unequal society, we mainly want to support people who already have difficulties. That is why we explicitly want to encourage people who face structural discrimination to register as needed. For example: BiPoC (black, indigenous people and People of Color), trans, inter, non-binary people, migrants and people with Severe disability(ies) / chronic illnesses, people who are isolated, have no insurance coverage, who have to pay for expensive medication, who help to finance relatives and who cannot fall back on another network at short notice, such as family or friends. Please use other avenues to access money if you have them (job center, rich relatives, financial stable friends etc) …
Please use other access to money, whenever you can. For example the „jobcenter“, rich relatives, ask friends …
Who is behind it?
We are a self-organized group of a handful of people who do not want to sit and watch people in need remain alone. Solidarity must also be about going outside our own environment. We are in direct contact with the people for whom money is being raised. You donate the money directly to them – we only provide the contact (hence “direct!”). If you have any doubts (which is very understandable with this topic) feel free to write us an e-mail and find out for yourself whether you consider us trustworthy. If you want to hear news from us, please have a look at the newsfeed on our website.